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Botanicals and Blooms
About Botanicals and Blooms (5:19)
Facebook Group and Hashtag
Botanicals and Blooms Journal
Cover (17:18)
Assembling the Cover (2:00)
Signature (10:05)
Covering the spine (3:48)
Stencil Cover (6:16)
Bonus: Worn Denim Cover (14:50)
Bonus: Worn Denim Cover Part Two (9:10)
Seeds of Inspiration
Seed Packets and Cover (6:47)
Stitching Seed Packets to Cover (2:28)
labeling packets (18:50)
Watercolor Fodder/Ephemera
Supplies (2:37)
Florals (13:36)
Stems and Leaves (7:47)
Circles (11:24)
Swatches/Palettes (8:55)
Botanicals part one (8:00)
Botanicals part two (6:11)
Ink Fodder/Ephemera
Contour Drawings/Continuous Line (8:54)
Botanicals (11:21)
Words and Phrases
Books and Magazines (3:52)
Handwritten (3:50)
Typed (0:42)
Filling the Seeds Of Inspiration
Filling the Seed Envelopes (4:21)
Bonus:: Spring and Summer Botanicals Challenge
Intro and Supplies (7:28)
1. Blooms (5:32)
2. On the Ground (3:46)
3. In the Ground (4:13)
4. By the Water (3:49)
5. Touching the Sky (6:33)
6. Fancy (5:28)
7. Technically a Weed (4:07)
Bonus ::: Fall Botanicals Challenge
Fall Challenge
Fall (14:35)
Bonus:::Winter Botanicals Challenge
Winter Challenge
Winter Botanicals (8:49)
Bonus ::: Stitchy Tabs
Stitchy Tabs (9:02)
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